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It’s time for all Albertans to come together and stand for public education.
That’s the central message of a new advertising campaign that the Alberta Teachers’ Association has rolled out. Titled Defend Public Education, the ads are now appearing on radio, television, movie theatres, YouTube, transit buses and billboards.
“Over these last two years, public education in Alberta has been under threat, and it is time to take a strong stand and ask all Albertans to join us in fighting for better learning conditions for students,” said Andrea Berg, the ATA staff officer who oversaw the ad’s creative development and filming.
The campaign came about in light of recent threats to public education, such as a wayward curriculum, cuts to education, increased privatization and overcrowded classrooms, Berg said. Slated to run until early June, the campaign is a follow-up to the Stand For Education ad that appeared in the fall.
“Whereas Stand For Education was meant to educate the public about the issues facing schools today, Defend is meant to encourage Albertans to take the next step and rally together to demand action,” Berg said. “We are hoping to build momentum and create a united front to advocate for public education.” ❚
A few versions of the ad can be viewed
at the ATA’s YouTube channel.
An open letter urging the government
to stop attacking public education is
available for signing at